The seven primary lines as recognized by the principles of palmistry hold certain specific significance of its own on the life of a person.
1.Life Line- Life line depicts the longevity as well as the nature of longevity of ones life in the existence. Life line in palmistry defines the length of the life, health aspects of ones life, and ones exposure to health problems in different phases of ones life.
2.Head Line- In palmistry, Head line depicts the intellectual ability, learning ability, and mental capacity of a person. Those with a thick, intense, and clear head line are believed to emerge as someone with a better intellectualness; while others with a thin, indistinct, and broken head line are believed to emerge as someone with a comparatively lower intellectual ability.
3.Heart Line- In palmistry, heart line depicts ones nature of heart, as well as matters related to heart. Those with a strong heart line are believed to emerge as liberal and generous; while those with a weak heart line are believe to emerge as cruel and merciless in nature. Some people dont have any heart line, and they are also believed to be unkind and ruthless in nature.
4.Line of Apollo or Sun- In palmistry, line or Apollo or Sun is also called as Line of Success. Line of Apollo or Sun depicts for the success aspects of ones life. It defines the fate of a person in aspects of attainment of success or failure in life.
5.Fate Line- In palmistry, fate line depicts the fate or destiny of the life of a person. Most of the people dont have a fate line on the first place, and even if they have, it is difficult to seek it. Those without any fate line are believed to live an inconsequential life; while those with a strong fate line are believed to live a fruitful life equipped with fortune, fame, and name.
6.Health Line- In palmistry, health line depicts the health aspects of ones life. Health aspects as depicted by the health line include physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, as well as material wellbeing. Health line can be fairly distinctive in palms of different people. While some might have a health line as thin as a hair, others might have it in adequate thick form.
7.Marriage Line- In palmistry, marriage line is also called as the line of love. Marriage line signifies for ones fate in love and marriage related matters. Those with a long and intense marriage line are believed to get into long and stable relationship, those with more than one marriage line are believed to get into more than one relationship, one with a cross over their marriage line are believed to get into a conflicting relationship which is vulnerable to separation. A marriage line slopping towards the heart line denotes for an early demise of the partner, and a marriage line elevating upward denotes for a solitary life. One might not be able to found an intense and strong marriage line on their palms, and not at least of the intensity of life line or heart line.
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A palm reading session with the reputed palm readers of will enable you to understand and get aware of the past, present, and future of your life. We also have an online palmistry session, which has been developed in complete concord with the principles of palmistry.
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