Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why Many Desktop Computers Are Still the Choice of Many PC Users

Despite the fairly recent introduction of many computing gadgets like tablets, netbooks, ultrabooks, and even mobile devices, a lot of PC users still prefer the desktop computer. There are quite a number of reasons for the long-lasting appeal of desktop PCs, and here are some of them:

Price - Compared to laptops and other mobile computing devices, the price of desktop PCs hasn't seen a significant increase in many years. A standard desktop computer with relatively moderate features will cost you less than $300. On the other hand, buying a brand new laptop or tablet can set you back at least $450 even for those that only have standard features.

Easier to upgrade - When you feel like your desktop doesn't meet some of your computing requirements anymore, you can easily upgrade some of its components even without the assistance of a computer technician. Hardware pieces like memory card, hard drive or video card can be replaced by simply unplugging the piece to be replaced and plugging in the replacement. There's also more space for PCI (peripheral component interconnect) cards and IDE (integrated disk electronics) disks to fit into it.

Easy maintenance - Doing a self-administered upkeep of your desktop PC is much easier compared to maintaining a tablet or a laptop. You can simply unscrew the casing of your CPU then clean the inside with cloth and brush (of course, you need to be careful when cleaning so as not to damage certain parts). With laptops, opening the bottom casing to clean it may void the warranty that came with it.

Endless power supply - As long as you don't encounter any power outage, you'll never run out of power when you use a desktop PC. Needless to say, with laptops, its battery power lasts only for a few hours, unless of course you find an electric outlet where you're using it.

Less probability of getting lost or stolen - Since you don't usually take your desktop computer with you when you go out or travel, it stays in your house for practically all its life. If it's always in your home, the chance of it getting stolen is close to nil, unless of course your house is burglarized. Mobile computing devices, on the other hand, always put themselves in harm's way in terms of getting damaged, lost or stolen.

So, if your computer use doesn't require you to go someplace else other than your house, your choice for computer should still be the desktop variety. To get the best desktop PC ideal to your needs, you can just browse the web on where to buy desktop computers. Considering all the advantages mentioned here, it's still the smart and practical choice.


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